It all started in the Fall of 1972 at a Wong’s Benevolent Association banquet, when representatives of the three levels of Government pledged to support the proposal of a community centre in Chinatown.
The Chinese Cultural Centre of Vancouver was founded in 1973 with the support of the government and of 53 community organizations along with that of many enthusiastic individuals.
In April 1974, CCC was duly constituted and registered with the Provincial and Federal governments as a nonprofit, charitable organization. A full city block was designated in the heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown. The first administration and education complex was completed in 1980. A commercial rental complex followed in 1981.
The completion of the Dr. David Lam Multipurpose Hall, and the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden (developed by the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden Society) greatly enhanced Chinatown in 1986. To serve the people of Richmond, a branch office was opened there in 1991. In addition, the CCC Museum & Archives, with its ongoing and permanent art exhibits, library, and conference hall, is now open to the public.