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義工機會  Volunteerism

Appreciation Day- Every year in the summer, C.C.C. will offer a BBQ party to volunteers who have served the centre in the past year. The Appreciation Day 2014 would be on Aug 29(Friday) 2014 from 5PM-7PM. RSVP : 604-658-8850


義工感謝日-每年暑假,文化中心都會辦燒烤派對以感謝過去一年為中心服務過的義工。2014年度義工感謝日定於8月29日下午 5點-7點。查詢請電:604-658-8850





  1. 節目助理 - 協助安排文化活動,例如:端午節、春節、中秋節等,工作人員必須能講流利英語,擅於與人接物,並能講其他語言(粵語,國語等)
  2. 華埠漫遊導遊 - 本中心會提供培訓,而申請人必須能講流利英語,對華裔及加拿大華裔歷史有基本認識,願意為英語社區推介華埠歷史,及每月能於星期二至星期六日間提供不少於四小時的義工服務。
  3. 太極、書法、繪畫、繩結或舞獅導師 - 必須有3-5年工作經驗,能講流利英語,具領導能力及組織群體經驗(特別是學童),除了書法導師外, 其他導師不一定要能講中文,但要有耐性,誠信和外向性格。
  4. 文物館接待員 - 必須誠信可靠,能講流利英語和中文,擅於與人溝通。
  5. 文藝表演者 - 具1-3年中華文藝演出經驗,如音樂、舞蹈、戲劇、武術、剪紙、茶藝、做花燈等,並能講流利英語,為人具誠信。


籌款助理 - 處理文書工作及管理推廣攤位,具創意以推介中華文化中心,能接受彈性工作時間安排,有銷售經驗更佳。


  1. 活動助理 - 為文藝展覽、社區日、書展等提供接待工作,能接受彈性工作時間安排。
  2. 夏令營志願者 - 為我們的七月和八月夏令營尋找有趣和負責人的志願者。不需要中文或藝術知識,志願者必須年滿14歲。時間靈活。
  3. 司機 - 具備合法駕駛執照,協助接送長者參加活動。


  1. 辦公室助理 - 具辦公室工作經驗,性格開朗,擅於與人交往,能運用電腦,每星期能提供4至8小時義工服務時間。
  2. 電腦助理 - 能處理視窗NT/95/98/XP,中文軟件,視窗Word等,懂電腦硬件和軟件維修更佳,每星期能提供4至8小時義工服務時間。

如對上述工作職位有興趣者,請致電604-658-8850與本中心聯絡 (星期二至星期日上午9:30至下午5:30)

Welcome to our Volunteers page. Here you will find many interesting and challenging volunteer opportunities.

Most of the activities and programs undertaken by the Chinese Cultural Centre depend on the assistance of reliable, enthusiastic, trained volunteers. We have divided our various volunteer positions into four main categories:


  1. Program Helper - Assistance with cultural events such as the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese New Year, Mid-autumn Festival, etc. Requirements include a good command of English and an outgoing, friendly personality. Knowledge of one other language (Cantonese, Mandarin.. etc.) an asset.
  2. Chinatown Walking Tour Guide - Full training will be given for this position. You must be fluent in English, have a basic grasp of Chinese and/or Chinese-Canadian history, and have an interest to introduce the history of Chinatown to the English speaking community. You must be able to volunteer at least 4 hours monthly (day time Tuesday to Saturday).
  3. Tai Chi, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Chinese Knotting or Lion Dance Instructor - Must have at least 3-5 years’ experience, a good command of spoken English, experience in working with groups (particularly with school-aged children), and strong leadership abilities.  Knowledge of Chinese language is not necessary, however basic written Chinese is necessary for the position of Calligraphy instructor.  Must be patient, reliable, and outgoing.
  4. Museum Receptionist - Must be reliable and trustworthy.  Must have a good interpersonal skills and a good command of English and Chinese.
  5. Artistic Performer - Must have at least 1-3 years’ experience in one of the Chinese arts and crafts, such as music, dance, theatre, opera, martial arts, paper cutting, tea ceremony, lantern making, etc., and a good command of spoken English.  Must be dependable.


Fund Raising Assistant - Management of booths, clerical duties. A creative imagination to promote the Chinese Cultural Centre is highly valued. Flexible hours. Some sales experience preferred.


  1. Special Events Assistant - Receptionist for art exhibitions, Community Days, book shows, etc. Flexible hours.
  2. Summer Camp Volunteers - Looking for fun and responsible volunteers for our July and August Summer Camp. No knowledge of Chinese language or arts is required and volunteers must be more than 14 years old. Flexible hours.
  3. Driver - Must have a valid driver's license to assist in seniors' picnics and excursions.


  1. Office Work Assistant - Requires a pleasant personality and office experience. Must like to deal with the public, have basic word processing skills, and be willing to volunteer 4 to 8 hours per week.
  2. Computer Operations Assistant - Familiar with Windows NT/95/98, Chinese Windows 3.1, Chinese word processing, knowledge of MS Word. Hardware and/or software repair skills highly valued. Able to volunteer 4 to 8 hours per week.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact us at (604) 658-8850 (Tue. to Sun. from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm)


Chinatown School Campus

50 East Pender Street ,
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6A 3V6


Tel: (604) 658-8850
Fax: (604) 687-6260


圖書文物館 & 租賃場地

Museum, Archives & Rental

555 Columbia St,
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6A 4H5


Tel: (604) 658-8883
Fax: (604) 687-6260



Richmond School Campus

#860-4400 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 3R8

Tel: (604) 658-8875
Fax: (604) 658-8854


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